Day 1 – Gratitude Day!

Let today be the Day of ‘GRATITUDE’

From the moment we wake up we will be grateful for the smallest and the largest parts of our lives. Even before we get out of bed, we will give gratitude and smile. Give gratitude for people, family, friends, pets, good coffee, past events that have made us who we are, all the dreams we want to fulfill. Basically we fill our entire day with gratitude….say it in our minds or say it out loud. All through the day…we will continue to say ‘I am grateful for…or thank you for…”


I know a lot of people say that when we feel gratitude for the things we have, we make space for MORE. I know from personal experience that when I truly feel grateful…I just feel so….happy! Gratitude truly does lift our vibrations and it lifts our mood to a beautiful level.


So today, I am going to be grateful for EVERYTHING in my life. I am going to be grateful for all the materialistic and non materialistic things that are a part of my existence. Every moment I get, I will be sending a huge big THANK YOU to the Universe. I read some where that no matter what your situation is, you will always have something to be grateful for. So today…the first day of my Secret Journal Journey, I will breathe in gratitude and breathe out even more gratitude. Honestly speaking, this is going to sound silly but there have been times when I have received something from the Universe…a situation or a thing that I have wanted and I have broken out into a 30 second dance party!!! I know, I know…sounds silly but it FEELS SO GOOD!

If you are going to be a part of this little journey with me then make today your GRATITUDE Day! Towards the end of the day, I will come back to let you know of how my Gratitude day worked out for me and how it made me feel.

So…thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!